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April 19, 2021

What Is THCV?

What Is THCV?

It seems the more popular hemp plants become, the more we learn about them. This remarkable line of the cannabis family has been used to make paper, clothing, rope, and a host of other items for as long ago as 10,000 years, and yet we are still learning more about it every day.

One of the most recent things we’ve learned about this plant is the sheer number of cannabinoids found naturally in hemp. What was thought only to be a few turned out to be well over 100, and the list is still growing. One of these cannabinoids that have stepped into the spotlight recently is THCV.

What Is THCV?

THCV is a cannabinoid that is at least partially present in some but not all strains of the cannabis plant. This phytocannabinoid is more present in pure Sativa strains of the cannabis plant grown in Nepal, Pakistan, Africa, China, India, Afghanistan, and Thailand.

While being technically classified as a cannabinoid, THCV is molecularly different from CBD and THC. THC and CBD are the more well-known phytocannabinoids. While CBD, THC, and most other cannabinoids evolve from the breakdown of CBGA (cannabigerolic acid) during the cannabis plant’s life cycle, THCV results from the breakdown of CBGVA (cannabigerovarinic acid). Like most cannabinoids, THCV is only soluble in oil-based liquids. However, scientific advances in nanoemulsion have given us the ability to break down the THCV into nanoparticles effectively dissolved in water.

How THCV Works in the Body

It has been discovered that all mammals have what is known as an endocannabinoid system. This system is a network of CB1 and CB2 receptors found in the brain and throughout the body. This system naturally creates cannabinoids, known as endocannabinoids, that bind to these receptors and regulate such things as a person’s comfort level, mood, and appetite. It has been found that by introducing cannabinoids from the cannabis plant (phytocannabinoids) into the body, these phytocannabinoids can assist the endocannabinoids in effectively carrying out their job.

THCV invokes many wellness benefits in the same way that other cannabinoids like CBD and CBN do. THCV does this by stimulating the CB1 and CB2 receptors that are found throughout the body. Lower levels of THCV may even work as an antagonist to CB1 receptors, meaning that it can block some of the negative side-effects of other cannabinoids like Delta 9 THC.

Differences between THCV and Delta 9 THC

While they are molecularly similar, THCV and Delta 9 THC are byproducts of two separate acids giving them varied properties. The body can respond differently to each.

  • THCV is not psychoactive in small doses — Delta 9 THC is. However, large doses of THCV can potentially cause the “race car effect,” where the user feels an intense high, much like that of Delta 9 THC. However, the mind remains clear during this high, and the effects wear off much more rapidly than with Delta 9.
  • THCV is known to be an appetite suppressant. At smaller doses, THCV is known to suppress the user’s appetite. Delta 9, however, is well known to be an appetite stimulant and creates “the munchies” for those who use it.
  • THCV has a much higher boiling point. THCV’s boiling point is 428 degrees Fahrenheit, a full 114 degrees higher than Delta 9 THC. Most cannabinoids begin to vaporize at around 245 degrees. This could be an issue if you make edibles that require cooking at a high temperature, as the only cannabinoid that will remain is THCV.

Is THCV Legal?

There are a few challenges that present themselves when discussing the legal status of THCV.

The Federal Analogue Act declared that any substance that is “substantially similar” to a Schedule 1 controlled substance should be treated as a Schedule 1 controlled substance. Currently, Delta 9 THC is listed as a Schedule 1 substance. However, most scientists and legal minds familiar with the cannabis industry believe that THCV is substantially different enough from Delta 9 THC to avoid being considered a tetrahydrocannabinol and running afoul of this act.

The Farm Bill of 2018 prohibits any product derived from marijuana and contains more than 0.3% THC. However, the bill’s language only specifies Delta 9 THC as prohibited, and THCV can be derived from hemp, so it is in a pretty safe area as far as obeying the tenets of The Farm Bill.

The Controlled Substances Act prohibits cannabimimetic agents, which THCV does not fall under, and tetrahydrocannabinols, which is a category that THCV technically would not be included in.

So even though laws are constantly changing, especially regarding cannabis products, THCV is currently on solid legal ground.

Shop PharmaCBD’s Line of Full Spectrum Products!

As you shop through our diversified inventory of products, you will find some of our CBD items labeled as “full-spectrum.” As with all of our products, we want to provide you with as much information as possible to assist you in your product purchase. So here is a quick lesson on what full-spectrum means.

Once we harvest our hemp grown only in the United States, the next step is to extract the hemp oil from the plant. We do this using scientifically advanced techniques that produce pure hemp oil, free of unwanted solvents and chemicals. This pure hemp oil not only contains primary cannabinoids like CBD, but it also contains other secondary cannabinoids like CBG and CBN. Like our Flagship Full Spectrum Tincture Oil, some of our full spectrum products even contain the THCV cannabinoid. In addition to these cannabinoids, the hemp oil contains beneficial terpenes and flavonoids as well. When a product is produced with this combination of cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids, it is labeled a full spectrum product. This combination of elements work together to produce a much greater result than with just an isolate alone.

You can find a wide variety of full-spectrum products at PharmaCBD, including our Cherry Sours Gummy and our Sweet Diesel Prepackaged Flower. And everything in our inventory is third-party laboratory tested to ensure the quality of the product. You can always shop with confidence at PharmaCBD!

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