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    CBD, or cannabidiol, is the second most prevalent compound found in cannabis. It is most commonly extracted from the hemp plant, and is non-psychoactive, meaning that it does not produce the “high” associated with other cannabis compounds like THC. According to the World Health Organization, CBD “exhibits no effects indicative of any abuse or dependence potential,” making it fairly safe for human experimentation. The FDA has even gone so far as to approve a CBD based prescription, called Epidiolex, for those suffering from seizures. Other studies and lots of anecdotal reporting suggest that CBD might be helpful with a variety of issues, including: anxiety, depression, chronic pain, inflammation, insomnia, seizures, and a whole lot more.

    We use our hydrocarbon extraction methods for our CBD to produce products with a superior taste and effect. Most people would say that CBD is more about what you don’t feel than what you do. CBD is not meant to be psychoactive, so it doesn’t produce a high like THC does. That being said, it is wildly popular amongst users who tout it as a treatment for a myriad of ailments. Still, the jury is out, requiring more FDA approved research, before any definitive benefits can be legally stated.

    CBD dosage can be a little confusing, but we most commonly recommend both starting small (take advantage of a low tolerance while you have it) and consulting your doctor when you’ve decided to try it. Cannabis has been known to interact with some medications, so your medical professional should be made aware before you make it a consistent part of your life.

    It should also be noted that, even though it is uncommon, CBD can present as THC on a drug test in sensitive individuals, especially when using a full-spectrum product that contains traces of THC. We would always suggest testing yourself frequently as the CBD builds in your system to determine whether or not you would present positive results for THC.

    CBD products generally fall into one of three categories: isolate, broad-spectrum, and full-spectrum. Isolate refers to products that contain CBD only. All of the other cannabinoids and other trace compounds are filtered out for a totally singular CBD experience. This is a great fit for when zero THC is needed, but it does filter out the other natural compounds found in cannabis that contribute to the entourage effect. In short, this means that cannabis compounds work better together. Broad spectrum products contain some of the other natural compounds found in cannabis, but a large portion of them are still filtered out, namely THC, even in small amounts. A full-spectrum formula, by comparison, embraces the natural rainbow of cannabinoids for the most unified possible CBD experience. Because of the entourage benefit of this total cannabis approach, we formulate nearly all of our products as full spectrum. Even our THC-free tinctures only have the THC removed, leaving all of the rest of the beneficial compounds for a well rounded effect.

    Nope. It’s not synthetic. We promise. Unlike the Spice or K2 of years past, Delta 8 is a natural component of raw cannabis, just found in very small amounts. That’s right; if you’ve ever partaken of raw cannabis flower in a recreationally legal state, you’ve consumed Delta 8 THC. You just didn’t realize it. Cannabis contains a whole spectrum of different compounds, including a host of different THCs. The one we are most familiar with is Delta 9, the compound we traditionally associate with getting “high.” However, when hemp is grown for CBD extraction, those THC compounds still exist, just in much smaller quantities. Luckily though, we don’t just have the technology to extract CBD from hemp flower, we can also extract and amplify other compounds too, things like CBG, CBN, Delta 8 THC, Delta 10 THC, and many others. Delta 8 THC was the first of these compounds to go to market, where it has boomed in popularity.

    So, does Delta 8 give you the same “high?” The short answer is: kind of. Delta 8 THC is a psychoactive compound, so it does produce a cannabis high. That’s right. As of 2022, unless you live in one of the states where Delta 8 is currently banned you can exchange your legal tender for a non-synthetic product that will get you “stoned.” That being said, it’s a little different than the traditional Delta 9 THC high. Many consumers refer to it “diet weed” or “canna-lite.” Though Delta 8 does produce a psychoactive high, it’s reported to be less intense than traditional cannabis. Most tell us that it’s less cerebral and seemingly most celebrated for its body effects. Our users describe Delta 8 as indica-like, and they also tell us that they are less likely to experience anxiety and paranoia than they would during traditional cannabis experiences.

    If reading this has made you at all curious to try it yourself, we are happy to oblige. We believe that anyone, from a cannabis novice to bonafide expert, can gain something from this particular cannabis analog. Our advice, as always, is to begin with a product that’s easy to dose and to give yourself plenty of time and opportunity to experiment slowly. Though cannabis has never killed anyone, a too-potent high can be a very uncomfortable ordeal. Just remember: you can always take more.

    Keep in mind that Delta 8 is a THC compound and will typically cause a positive result on drug screenings.

    Delta 9 THC is the cannabis compound that users are most familiar with. This is the most common THC compound found in the cannabis plant. If you were to remove some flower from a cannabis plant in the wild and smoke it, you would be experiencing a whole spectrum of THC influence, but mostly, you’d be feeling Delta 9.

    Potently psychoactive, Delta 9 THC, when plucked off of the branch of a plant, remains federally illegal, and state illegal for a large part of the country. However, much like Delta 8, Delta 9 can be extracted and amplified from hemp flower, allowing for the creation of a legal THC compound identical to the one found in “wild” plants.

    If you’ve ever tried raw cannabis before, you’re likely familiar with its effects, and even though ours is derived from hemp, the Delta 9 experience remains virtually indistinguishable. Fans of our D9 products tell us to expect a more cerebral experience than that offered by D8, engaging the mind and body in equal measure. It is also more “psychedelic” in nature, offering, for many customers, trippier body sensations, enhanced visual perception, and greater degrees of introspection. For a lot of users however, this can also come with higher degrees of anxiety and paranoia, so a slow approach is always recommended when exploring Delta 9. Also, our Delta 9 THC is still THC, and despite its hemp-derived origin, will still, most likely, cause a positive result on a THC screening

    Delta 10 THC is one of the many THC compounds that occur naturally in the cannabis plant. Using the same techniques we use to produce CBD, Delta 10 THC can be extracted and amplified from hemp flower. One of the most recent natural THC compounds to be derived, Delta 10 is still growing in popularity.

    This breed of THC is considerably more mild than Delta 9 and even Delta 8, making it a perfect entry level cannabis product for those new to the culture. Our customers describe Delta 10 as more of the “sativa” to Delta 8’s “indica,” providing users with a euphoric mood boost and upbeat energy. This makes it a great choice for daytime use or any other time where being married to your couch all afternoon just isn’t an option. Delta 10 is also a good candidate for pairing with another THC compound. Its energetic nature can help to balance out the heaviness known to hallmark other forms of cannabis.

    Even though we’d consider Delta 10 to be in the shallow end of the cannabis pool, it is always best to start slowly with new compounds and determine your comfort level prior to increasing dosage. And, like most THC compounds, it is detectable on drug tests screening for it.

    This is a term that is getting tossed out more and more, especially when in context with cannabis use, but what does this buzzword mean really? It turns out, it might mean something very important. The endocannabinoid system, simply put, is a system of bodily function, similar to the skeletal and muscular systems that we all learned about in school. Scientific experiments conducted in the 1990s to explore the effects of THC on the body revealed sets of previously unexplored receptors, connected to the function of almost every major system in the body. And that’s not just human bodies. The endocannabinoid system (ECS) exists in all mammalian systems and has for millions of years! These receptors (CB1, CB2, and others) have an effect on our sleep, reproductive cycles, inflammatory response, immune function, pain processing, mood, memory, metabolism, and so much more. This system, which interacts with all of the other major body systems, helps to maintain homeostasis. Our body produces enzymes that help to regulate this system, but there are external enzymes that we can utilize to activate this bodily balancing act too.

    So why does this matter to a cannabis user? Well, THC and CBD are both phytocannabinoids, which interact with the CB1 and CB2 receptors of the endocannabinoid system, which can boost the efficiencies of the body’s major systems. This may explain why so many cannabis users experience such a wide myriad of reported positive effects after use. And that’s really just the tip of the iceberg. The endocannabinoid system is under a lot of investigation as are cannabis compounds and their greater impact on our health. While it’s too early to state definitively exactly to what extent the exploration of this system may allow us to live better lives, the future is certainly promising.

    One of the non-cannabis botanicals that we carry is mitragyna speciosa, or kratom. This plant has been both glorified and demonized in the media, leading to a considerable amount of controversy and, unfortunately, misinformation. This plant has founded a billion-dollar global industry, but the number of options available can be intimidating and leave uninformed buyers at risk.

    Broadly, the kratom plant is a member of the coffee family, an evergreen native to Southeast Asia that can reach sizes of 30ft or more. Used as a part of local tradition for thousands of years, kratom has gained popularity in Western cultures recently, hailed for a number of reported benefits, namely higher levels of energy, mood stabilization, and pain relief. As the kratom plant matures, its large leaves go through varying changes in their alkaloid content, so harvesting at different stages in their development provides different alkaloid concentrations and ipso facto different effects.

    The first of the three most common veins is white. White vein kratom is processed from the youngest leaves of the kratom plant. It contains a high concentration of the kratom alkaloid 7-OH, which produces the greatest amount of kratom’s stimulating effects. White vein strains are popular amongst those seeking an energy boost to carry them throughout the day. Because they are in the same plant family, kratom is similar in energizing effect to a strong cup of coffee, though users report that white vein kratom also gives them a boost of euphoria and focus that caffeine doesn’t necessarily provide.

    The second of the kratom veins is green. Green vein kratom is a middle of the road variety of kratom, providing energy and sedation in equal measures. While this may seem counterintuitive, green vein kratom is well loved for its mood-stabilizing effects, users claiming that it can help them deal with symptoms of depression, anxiety, and mood swings. It’s also reported to be a great mood enhancer, lending a positive outlook to difficult days and tough tasks. This lovely balanced effect is produced by an even blend of the two major kratom alkaloid families.

    The third, and arguably most popular, vein of kratom is the red vein. Red vein kratom is comprised of the oldest leaves of the kratom tree and contain the highest levels of mitragynine, the alkaloid in kratom that contributes to its sedative properties. Red vein kratom is also touted as a pain killer, and the most likely vein to be cited in controversies about this plant. This is because kratom (red vein more so than any other variety) interacts with the opioid receptors in the body, offering potential relief to those prescribed with opiate medications that may offer a less than functional lifestyle. For this reason it has also gained extreme popularity in the recovery and sobriety communities, potentiating self-treatment and maintenance options for those with a history of opiate abuse.

    Once you’ve nailed down which vein seems to be a good fit for you, you’ll next need to decide on a locality. Though all strains under a specific vein will have the same basic spectrum of effects, kratom comes from a few different countries and regions that can skew the results slightly. Much like cannabis, kratom localities become favorites amongst users, and like cannabis, it can take some time and experimentation to figure out what you like best. As boring as it may sound, we recommend taking some notes on the different varieties that you try, to help you nail down what works best for you. Regular kratom users sometimes mix strains to create their desired effect, so don’t be afraid to change it up every now and then.

    Though kratom should not trigger a positive test result on a standard 5 panel drug screening, it can occasionally produce a false positive for methadone on an expanded 10 panel test, so make sure to test yourself often if you plan to begin a kratom regimen. It is also important to research the legality of this plant prior to purchase in your state. Though kratom remains federally legal, it has been banned in a handful of states. It is also important to carefully research dosage prior to use. There are many charts and videos available online, and dosing can vary greatly based on experience, body condition, and what vein is being used. It should also be noted that kratom can have some unpleasant side effects if misused. For this reason, it is recommended to do some homework prior to trying out this plant for the first time. Luckily, there are thousands of anecdotal reports available web wide to help you sort out the intricacies.

    Hemp-derived is a term that gets thrown around a lot in the cannabis industry, but it is one of the most important terms to understand. As of this writing, the cannabis plant is not recreationally legal in all 50 states. However, there is a class of cannabis plant that is federally legal: hemp. The hemp plant has seen a significant amount of industrial use throughout the course of human history. In fact, it was one of the first plants to be spun into fiber for clothing some 50,000 years ago. You can find hemp in foods, clothing, rope, plastics, building materials, cosmetics, and much much more. Hemp plants have been selectively bred for low levels of THC-A and Delta 9 THC which are the compounds that, when they occur in large quantities through breeding, make cannabis plants federally illegal above 0.3% by weight in a finished product.

    Despite the fact that hemp has been line bred against high levels of these cannabinoids, those compounds do still exist within the hemp plant, just in very small quantities. Luckily, the scientific processes exist that allow us to extract and amplify these compounds for use in our products. The best part? Because these extracted compounds originated from the hemp plant, they are 100% federally legal. It’s not uncommon to wonder if that makes these products synthetic, and the answer is generally considered to be no. We are not artificially creating compounds to mislead consumers or create a “cannabis-like” effect, just taking advantage of what nature has given us in allowing us to develop products tailored for niche uses.

    Our tinctures are a great way to ingest CBD or any hemp-derived THC formula. It offers excellent bioavailability, and the dosage is highly customizable. However, many are intimidated by the lack of hard dosage numbers, so we’re going to break down the best way to view your oils: drop for drop. We manufacture each oil dropper to hold what we consider to be one serving, but that doesn’t mean that a whole serving is what’s right for you. We always recommend that users start with the lowest dose that works for them, to best take advantage of a lower tolerance, and move up the miligram ladder as the effect wanes. But how do you work out a dose when it’s in liquid form?

    The formula for figuring out exactly how much active ingredient is in each dropper full is actually pretty easy. Let’s take a 1060mg CBD tincture for example. We use 1ml droppers and each bottle contains 30ml. You can find your milligram content and divide it by the milliliters in a bottle to figure out how many milligrams of CBD are in each dropper. 1060/30=~36mg. So each dropper contains about 36mg of CBD, which should serve as a good guideline for dosing. You may want to do ½ a dropper full to garner 18mg of CBD, or ⅓ of a dropper for 12mg. Though the concentration varies depending on which strength you opt for, the formula remains the same.

    Now don’t forget: your tolerance varies depending on a number of different personal factors (age, weight, body composition, exposure to cannabis products, sex, activity level etc.) so exact dosing recommendations can’t be given accurately. Experimentation and patience is key, so start small and adjust as needed and you’ll be sure to find a serving size that works for you!

    There have, as of this time, been no formal FDA studies conducted on the use of CBD in pets, but what scientists do know is that our pets have a similar endocannabinoid system to ours and that cannabinoids interact with this system (specifically with the central and peripheral nervous systems) to help maintain the body’s natural chemical balances and keep it in a healthy state of being. We also have a significant amount of anecdotal evidence that CBD oil can be used in pets for a number of different ailments. In fact, the AKC just announced sponsorship of a study at Colorado State University to look at the efficacy of CBD oil used in the treatment of dogs with epilepsy.

    However, since the clinical trials have not been done, there is no hard and fast rule for dosing a pet with CBD. When introducing it to your furry family members, as with people, it’s important to start slowly, and figure out what amount works best for them as individuals.

    As for side effects, they are similar to the same ones we humans can experience, namely dry mouth, changes to appetite, and/or fatigue. Make sure to keep your vet in the know and pay attention to your pet’s behavior. A number of our staff members here at PharmaCBD use CBD oil to help their pets and it is a pretty clear consensus amongst them that, with some patience and experimentation, the results are worth the effort, from Siameses and Calicos to Chihuahuas and Greyhounds.

    Though this extraction method garnered a bad reputation from hobbyist extractors using poorly refined solvent and inferior purging methods (there’s a big difference between lab equipment and kitchen equipment, like it or not), using hydrocarbon processing is still the most efficient way to extract from cannabis. For reference, people using lighters to ignite their flower products take in more butane from one lighter strike than they would from even poorly refined hydrocarbon extracts. This method uses non-polar solvents to dissolve other hydrocarbon compounds. By using this particular set of solvents, we can filter out chlorophyll, tannins, and lipids that wouldn’t normally contribute to a great cannabis experience. This process gives us a beautiful golden oil to start with, boasting a superior taste and aroma. We then purge our oils using heat and vacuum to lower the oil’s viscosity and pull any solvent free. Then, most of our products are further refined with fractional distillation, which is an extremely precise extraction process that leaves us with no extraction solvent in our products, ever. When combined with some of our further processes, like steam distillation, we can collect and recombine all of the desired compounds that make a clean, full spectrum product with the highest levels of cannabinoids possible, all the while maintaining that clean taste and smell that we’re now well-known for!

    When you first get to know the world of federally legal cannabis products, the lack of medical information can certainly be confusing. After all, most people are investigating these products due to their reported effects, so how can there not be any definitive information about what these compounds do and their associated risks? Though there have, as of this writing, been two CBD based prescriptions released to market, cannabis is still not widely studied by the FDA. Schedule I drug (which cannabis is currently listed as) research permits are rarely granted, so the research that is happening is plagued by constant delays and red tape. In the meantime, it is federally illegal to make medical claims about substances not approved by the FDA since they’ve not been screened for definitive clinical uses. We hope that the future brings a lot more medical inquiry into the efficacy of cannabis products, but while we’re waiting, there’s much to be gleaned from personal testimonies. When it comes to your own cannabis use, just start slow and you’ll figure out what works best for you!

    It can feel a little scary the first time you decide to take a hemp-derived product with you somewhere, especially since regulations on these products do change from place to place. Though federally legal, it is always a good idea to research your upcoming destination and make sure that hemp-derived cannabis products are legal to possess. You don’t want to give yourself a lot of extra trouble unnecessarily. You’ll also want to become familiar with the location of the COA QR code on your packaging, just in case you happen to get hassled about it. That QR link will take you directly to our batch testing information, so anyone that’s curious about what it is exactly you’re carrying with you has that information right at your fingertips. This can be especially useful when transporting flower products, which can look to the casual observer like illegal material. Make sure to do some extra research when transporting these products internationally, since not all countries mirror the USA’s cannabis laws and no one wants to spend time in jail, especially abroad.

    Though the FDA hasn’t approved the use of hemp-derived cannabis products, there has been a reasonable amount of beta-testing done since they debuted and so far so good. Since these are not synthetic compounds we’re working with, we can reasonably expect similar safety concerns associated with traditional cannabis, and there aren’t many. We are happy to remind our customers that no one has ever died as a result of cannabis use and we can almost guarantee that you won’t be the first. Some users can experience some overwhelming psychosomatic responses with THC products, but the best way to avoid this is to always start out small and give yourself plenty of time for the products to take effect. It is also important to make sure that you are purchasing from a reputable company that is using a laboratory to perform its extractions, and using a third party lab to test the authenticity of their products. As a regulatory frame does not yet exist for Delta 8, these few precautions will ensure that you are getting a genuine product that is formulated in a way that’s safe for consumption.

    We wish we could give you a defined answer on this question, but unfortunately this one’s rather tricky. Though we consider most hemp-derived cannabis products to be very safe on the whole, there’s no guarantee that these products won’t have a negative effect on people with specific medical concerns. We know it’s a hassle, but the best course of action is to always contact a medical professional prior to use, just to get their advice on any potential negative interactions. As much as it is inconvenient to take those extra steps, every mom in America would be happy to remind you that you’re usually better off safe than sorry.

    Human beings are reward-seeking. We have a brain hard wired to crave pleasure, and when your brain gets used to receiving steady doses of it, it can begin to crave that feeling. So, is THC something you can become dependent on? In short, yes. THC does provide a pleasurable dopamine release, and with high use, can become something your brain needs more and more of in order to be effective, whether that THC is hemp-derived or not.

    This is called “cannabis use disorder” and studies have found that it occurs in around 9% of regular THC users. Though that might seem like a bigger number than you were prepared for, compared with other commonly used psychoactive substances, it’s actually pretty low. Even drugs we consider culturally common come with much higher abuse rates, with caffeine sitting around 11-22% (depending on which study series you happen to look at), alcohol coming in around 15%, and nicotine boasting a worryingly high 32%. And don’t get us started on sugar!

    Though it’s so widespread in the American diet it’s hard to get statistics about sugar addiction, a 2015 study showed that rats, when given an option between normal food, food laced with cocaine or the same food topped with sugar, chose sugar 94% of the time, even when they had to work much harder for it. Need we say more?

    Breaks from regular cannabis use can be helpful for avoiding dependency, and most studies have shown that your endocannabinoid system’s tolerance resets entirely after four weeks, even for heavy users. Part of being a responsible cannabis user is understanding how cannabis affects your life and recognizing if you are developing negative life behaviors associated with it. Everything is best in moderation.

    Conversely, there is no conclusive evidence that CBD produces addictive effects and it has even been shown in some studies to have a positive impact on those affected by cannabis use disorder as well as other addictions. Though it’s still too early to state definitively, we can state comfortably that you are unlikely to develop a dependency on CBD products.

    When you buy a cannabis product, there are a lot of numbers on the package usually, total mgs, mgs per gummy, ratios of cannabinoids, all kinds of things. But how do you know that the numbers that company has put on their package are actually the numbers that are in the product? After all, you don’t want to eat a 20mg Delta 8 gummy that actually contained 50mg without knowing it, right? Or, for that matter, spend the money for a 50mg gummy not knowing that it only contains 20mg. It’s easy to claim milligram inclusions since they can be open ended. Does that 100mg package of chocolates account for all of the present cannabinoids or just the Delta 8 inside? And, even if that company you purchased from runs its own lab (like we do), it’d be difficult to verify whether or not those lab results are manipulated for bias. After all, it’s expensive to recall a batch of edibles because they were underdosed, or worse, illegally potent with non-hemp derived Delta 9 THC. This is why we use a third party, a non-biased laboratory, to test our products. This lab has no stake in our business, so the results are accurate and non-negotiable. We test within our lab and with a third party lab for every single batch, and always have those test results displayed for our customers at That way, our customers always know exactly what they’re consuming and make the best decisions for them accordingly.

    Shopping for a particular cannabis strain can be overwhelming especially if you’re new to it. There are so many different varieties and so much breeding to understand, so a good place to start for most users is with the three major cannabis subcategories: sativa, indica, and hybrid.To understand which variety may be best for you, it’s best to have a results goal in mind. Most people report that sativa strains are best for daytime, with many claiming to receive the benefits of a sharper mental state, more creativity, productivity, and generally an upbeat, awake, energized mood, ready for artistic endeavors and good conversations. This is generally referred to as more of a mental high.

    On the other side of the spectrum lie the indica strains. Most users tell us that indicas are more body high, producing reported effects of sedation, drowsiness, pain relief, and states of deep relaxation. This makes them a perfect fit for a nighttime strain. Indicas are famous for their documented “couch lock” effect, where one’s body and mind become so relaxed that it’s difficult at times to even leave the couch!

    Hybrids, as you may have realized, fall somewhere in the middle, boasting parentage on both sides of the effect spectrum, for a balanced state of being that gets a little bit of everything. Hybrids are usually considered a good place to start for new cannabis users, so that they can get an idea of what they like about the experience and intensify those feelings by swinging to one side of the fence or the other, though they have plenty of merit in their own right. Avoiding the extremes of full force sativas and indicas, hybrids provide a nice even blend of both experiences. Simply match the feeling with what you’re feeling and you’re sure to have a match made in heaven.

    Terpenes are a basic component of most plants, not exclusive to cannabis. These are organic in nature and develop in plants in accordance with the plant type and how it’s grown. These compounds are affected by everything from the soil makeup and climate to the age of the plant and how much rain they receive.

    These compounds contribute the signature tastes and smells of cannabis strains, but also to the overall effects experienced by the user. The difference between them isn’t as drastic as say, the difference between CBD and THC, but they do make a significant impact. Terpenes are categorized by their flavor profile and are broken down into 4 camps: sweet, spicy, sour, and bitter, though the effects of each are arguably the larger interest. For example, many labs claim that when examining cannabis, you can identify if the sample originated from an indica or sativa, just from the levels of myrcene (one of these terpenes) found within. Though there hasn’t been any conclusive evidence, studies have shown correlations between different terpenes and a variety of psychological and physiological benefits. For a non cannabis example: we’ve all heard that lavender is relaxing, right? Well, the reason we associate the two is thanks to the linalool in the plant! Experimentation with linalool has produced suggestion that the terpene is mildly sedative and has a relaxing effect on nerve impulses and muscle spasms. The good news? There’s linalool in lots of cannabis strains as well. Though there is a lot more study that needs to be conducted, terpenes are well worth the research and could produce enhanced cannabis benefits through the entourage effect.

    Bioavailability refers to the amount of a substance that is actually absorbed by the bloodstream when it is introduced to the body. It may surprise some people to learn that when you eat a THC gummy for example, your body doesn’t use every single miligram that you consume. As THC is hydrophobic and the body is made up largely of water, cannabis is not particularly conducive to high bioavailability and a large portion is broken down by the body as it passes through your digestive system, a small portion reaching your bloodstream. As such, different forms of cannabis have different bioavailability, essentially becoming a measure of which method of imbibing uses the product to its highest effective potential. Though things like body composition and metabolism, as well as the product quality do effect bioavailability, there are basic percentage ranges for different types of product. We surveyed 8 different studies and on average, here is the standard bioavailability that you can expect:

    ● Oral Ingestion – 8-17% (keep in mind that THC breaks down in the system to a compound called 11-hydroxy-metabolite, which is 4-5X more psychotropic than standard fare THC)

    ● Sublingual Ingestion– 28-47%

    ● Smoking – 24-48%

    ● Vaping – 33-54%

    We should all be so lucky! It’s easy to think that living in a state where it is legal and easy to purchase cannabis in its raw form would make all of these other compounds obsolete, but we think you’ll find that’s just not true. The truth is, Delta 9 rich cannabis in its totally natural state isn’t necessarily the right fit for you. Not everyone that enjoys cannabis likes all the aspects of the potently psychotropic high of Delta 9 THC. Some people prefer a gentler experience that’s more focused on the body than on the mind (which might lead them to explore Delta 8) or maybe they want a milder experience all together with a little extra glow added to their day (which could be explored with Delta 10). Then there are the numerous mixes of different THC compounds for much more customized experiences that can fit into a user’s lifestyle exactly the way they want it to. If you could tailor the THC experience to fit you specifically, wouldn’t you?


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