The last year has been frustrating, to say the least. Our everyday human interactions have been disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic and the associated lockdowns and isolation. What was once an easy conversation over a cup of coffee became an internet call, and our everyday workplace interactions were put on hold in lieu of formal online meetings. Friends and families could not spend the time together that they once did and travel all but ground to a halt.
But the recent availability of vaccines has brought about the lifting of restrictions on human contact, and people are once again getting out of the house to enjoy the fresh air and social interactions. With the removal of these restrictions, many are eager to get out and travel once again. And scores of those who travel are avid enthusiasts of hemp-derived products like CBD and Delta 8 THC gummies, tinctures, and other products. However, there are legal and practical issues to be aware of when traveling with these products. With that in mind, here are some guidelines for traveling with hemp-derived cannabis products.
Overall Guidelines
Whether you are traveling within your home state or across the country, there are certain suggestions you should pay attention to when traveling with your hemp-derived product.
Keep Your Cannabis Products in Their Original Packaging
Whether it’s CBD, Delta 8 THC, or any other hemp-derived product, always keep that product in the original packaging. No matter the legal standing in the state you are in or are traveling to, capsules, tinctures, and even edibles look a lot more suspicious to an overzealous officer of the law if they are not in their original packaging. This is especially true with hemp flower.
Don’t Travel with Hemp Flower
Speaking of hemp flower, whether it’s CBD or Delta 8 THC flower, we recommend that you don’t travel with it. Hemp and marijuana flower look exactly the same. The only difference is the level of THC contained in the flower, and that must be tested in a lab to determine the level. Even if you keep it in its original container, you will draw suspicion if you try to get on an airplane or get pulled over while carrying hemp flower. Our advice is to leave your flower at home and just bring the tincture, capsule, or edible form of your cannabis product.
Hemp Products Are Federally Legal, But May Not Be State Legal
Let’s go ahead and get this question out of the way right now. Yes, according to The Farm Bill of 2018, all cannabis products are legal on a federal level as long as they are derived from hemp (not marijuana) and contain no more than 0.3% Delta 9 THC. So you have a great legal argument on a federal level for carrying CBD and Delta 8 THC products.
This issue is that the federal government’s laws on cannabis products are used as a guideline for each state. The state then has the option of adopting the government’s stance or creating its own laws. Therefore, what is federally legal for one product may not be legal in some states. By the same token, some cannabis products (marijuana, for example) may be legal in some states but completely illegal according to federal laws.
Specific Issues Like Vaping and Smoking
Outside of your normal federal and state laws concerning cannabis products, you also need to be aware of local laws and directives. For example, some governments view vaping the same way they do smoking and make it against the law to vape in places like government buildings. However, some states and local municipalities allow vaping and not smoking in public buildings. You’ll also find that airlines may have rules against vaping devices and other items you can and cannot bring on a plane. Always be sure to check the rules for the specific carrier you are using for travel before packing your bags.
CBD Guidelines
As discussed before, CBD is federally legal across the United States in all forms. Currently, all states allow CBD within their borders, but you may find restrictions with those states. For example, some states like Idaho and Nebraska will only allow you to carry CBD if it contains no THC whatsoever. In addition, some states are OK with CBD that’s derived from marijuana, while other states strictly forbid it. Before you leave, check the laws in your destination state and the states you will be traveling through if you are traveling by roadway.
Delta 8 THC Guidelines
Products made with high levels of Delta 8 THC are still legal on a federal level, but they have come under fire from the DEA and are illegal in eleven states. The reasoning used by these states and the DEA is that Delta 8 THC must be created through a chemical process to produce enough to be economically viable. So, strangely, states like Colorado who have legalized the recreational use of marijuana, which has high concentrations of Delta 9 THC, have made it illegal to possess or use Delta 8 THC products. Again, these laws are constantly changing, so research your own state to ensure that Delta 8 THC is legal for you. As the acceptance of the benefits of cannabis products increase, likely there will be more tolerance on a state level for these products.
We Have Plenty of Travel Options at PharmaCBD!
No matter where the road leads you, you have no better traveling companions than with one or more of our CBD or Delta 8 THC products.
If you’re currently enjoying our powerful Flagship Full Spectrum Tincture Oil but are traveling to a state like Nebraska that does not allow any THC in a CBD product, why not switch to our THC Free Tincture Oil? Or if you are flying and don’t want to take your Delta 8 THC flower with you, why not board that plane with a Hemp-Derived Delta 8 THC Mixed Fruit Snack instead?
You’ve always got plenty of options at home or when traveling with PharmaCBD!