We can no longer offer products containing Delta-8 THC to the following states: AK, CO, DE, HI, ID, IA, MA, MI, MS, MT, NH, NY, ND, OR, PA, RI, UT, VT, VA, or WA as well as THCA to HI, ID, MN, OR, PA, RI, UT or VT.

What to Look For When Selecting Hemp-Based Products

May 9, 2021

What to Look For When Selecting Hemp-Based Products

If you have just begun your search for CBD, Delta 8 THC, or other hemp-based products, you are likely already overwhelmed at the sheer number of these products on the market today. The hemp products industry is new and is growing rapidly, and this has inspired a lot of companies to throw their hat into the ring and begin offering hemp products. Perusing website after website can cause the information to blur together, and you may not be sure where to start.

We at PharmaCBD believe in giving our current and potential clients the information they need to make a wise decision when shopping for wellness products. So with that in mind, here are some suggestions on what to look for when selecting hemp-based products.

Determine Your Needs

Before you start any journey, you need to know where you are going. This adage also applies before shopping for hemp-based products. You may have had friends or family rave about a hemp product that they are using, and this may have put you on your journey to try one for yourself. But there are a lot of different products out there that have a range of benefits. So you have to ask yourself, “What am I looking to accomplish?” Are you suffering bodily discomforts? If so, is it in one particular area or an overall physical issue? Are you having trouble sleeping? The point is that you must first determine for what purpose you would use the product.

Once you determine your needs, do a little research. Websites from established distributors like PharmaCBD are full of information that will help you determine which type of product is best to meet your needs. For example, if you have trouble falling asleep at night, you will find that a CBD edible with melatonin, taken a few hours before bed, is precisely what you need. With a little research, you’ll learn what each popular cannabinoid does and if it will help you accomplish your goals.

Find an Established Company

Once you determine what you need, the next step is to find an established company that you can rely on. Most people don’t realize this, but the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not currently oversee the accuracy of the labeling or the ingredients in hemp-based products. This has led to many unscrupulous companies entering the market, looking to make a quick buck. They offer cheap and sometimes dangerous products, some of which are outright scams. If you’re looking to learn more about how to protect yourself when shopping for hemp-based products, our article “How to Avoid Getting Scammed When Purchasing CBD Online” would be helpful to you at this point.

Look for a company with an established website with lots of information, like what you’ll find at PharmaCBD. An established site will be rich in product details, blogs, and other sources of helpful information. Beware of sites that look like they were thrown together or use high-pressure sales pitches and make wild claims about their products. But most importantly of all, find a company that has its products tested by a third-party laboratory and makes the lab’s Certificate of Analysis available to you.

Inspect the Certificate of Analysis (COA)

As we discussed, the lack of FDA oversight means that many hemp-based products are mislabeled. This means they are either inaccurate in their depiction of the level of cannabinoids like CBD and Delta 8 THC in the product or hide the fact that there are dangerous chemicals in the product. The only way to be sure of the accuracy of the label is to insist on inspecting the COA for that product as issued by an independent testing laboratory. This COA will show you exactly what levels of cannabinoids are in the product and warn you if there are any dangerous elements found.

Look at the label for the product you are considering and compare that to the COA. If the important elements like the level of the main cannabinoids found in the product don’t match up, you should find another distributor.

Inspect the Product

Once you determine that the label is accurate, it’s time to inspect the product itself. We’re going to use tinctures as an example.

The first thing to look for is the amount of cannabinoid found in the product or its strength. You want to get the most out of your hard-earned dollar, so you want a product that gives you the most bang for your buck. If you are comparison shopping, you may find two tinctures, for example, that contain 600 milligrams of CBD. However, one is in a 30-milliliter bottle while the other is in a 60-milliliter bottle. Once you do the math, you’ll see that the 30-milliliter bottle is twice as strong as the product in the 60-milliliter bottle.

The next thing to look for is the inclusion of other elements in the product. Again, taking tincture as an example, tinctures combine a cannabinoid with another carrier liquid. Some companies use alcohol as the carrier liquid. However, cannabinoids are oil-soluble, so the ideal carrier liquid is a natural oil like extra-virgin olive oil or MCT oil. Premium quality distributors also use all-natural ingredients in their products. You are buying this product for its holistic benefits, so you should avoid any hemp product that includes a lot of chemical preservatives and flavors.

Finally, look for a type of product that works best for you. Different types of products carry their own pros and cons:

  • Tinctures are fairly fast-acting and long-lasting, but not as long as edibles.
  • Edibles last a long time, but they take a while before they kick in.
  • Inhalants are very fast-acting, but they don’t last as long as other types of products.

In short, determine why you're looking for the product. Once that's done, find a premium distributor like PharmaCBD, which will have lots of choices in flavors and styles. For example, if you decide on edibles, you will find gummies out there in the form of rings, worms, and sours in a multitude of flavors. You should have no problem finding one that you can enjoy taking daily.

We Have What You’re Looking For at PharmaCBD!

We are an established company. We have an extensive selection of products and a proud display of our Certificate of Analysis for all of our products. We have what you’re looking for at PharmaCBD!